Is my wife STILL a Victim at 14 in fear and agony, or NOW a Survivor at 51 who needs to smell his blood?

You guys are probably laughing at Isaac or formally Mr Isaac Bon Hillier (DOB: February 19th, 1982), for the fact that he claims that Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco (DOB: August 4th, 1973) his wife has been walking out on him (think going AWOL from Sacrament of Holy Matrimony) since her mother died on July 5th, 2021.


Please allows me to go down the rabbit hole for a reasonable analysis before the Court of Public Opinion, before the Court of Sacramental Review, and just in my court as I decide how much longer Mr Fausto Enrique OROZCO should expect to live as a freely undocumented, unrecognizable predator and abuser of children and vulnerable mothers.

Furthermore, my spouse Ms Maritza Elizabeth OROZCO has repeatedly uttered to me that.. "it's too painful to report the fact that my father raped and sexually abused me in '87 when I was 14-years-of-age and he was 48-years-of-age and fully in his rights and responsibilities to fuck 6 days a week, and furthermore three times on Sunday, because as it's so well respected in The HO'ROZCO section..

Our Father Who Art NOT in Heaven, please enjoy my complacent holiness to your appreciation.. 





421 DAYS ABSENTIA — 352+69=421
This breakdown is initiated from the death of Ms Maritza Elizabeth Orozco's Mother Ms Hilda Esperanza Orozco on July 5th, 2021. The pattern exists...

20241112  20250321    126 days absence —— Nov12 '24 » Mar21  '25    27
20240921  20241107     42 days absence —— Sep21 '24 » Nov07  '24    26
20240914  20240915     01 days absence —— Aug22 '24 » Sep15  '24    25
20240822  20240913     23 days absence —— Aug22 '24 » Sep13  '24    24
20240808  20240809     01 days absence —— Aug08 '24 » Aug09  '24    23
20240708  20240709     01 days absence —— Jul08 '24 » Jul09  '24    22
20240508  20240706     60 days absence —— May08 '24 » Jul06  '24    21
20231218  20231219     02 days absence —— Dec18 '23 » Dec19  '23    20
20231028  20231029     02 days absence —— Oct28 '23 » Oct29  '23    19
20231014  20231021     08 days absence —— Oct14 '23 » Oct21  '23    18
20231009  20231012     04 days absence —— Oct09 '23 » Oct12  '23    17
20230501  20230503     03 days absence —— May01 '23 » May03  '23    16
20230421  20230428     08 days absence —— Apr21 '23 » Apr28  '23    15
20230401  20230411     10 days absence —— Apr01 '23 » Apr11  '23    14
20221006  20221213     69 days incense —— Oct06 '22 » Dec13  '22    69
20220926  20221003     07 days absence —— Sep26 '22 » Oct03  '22    13
20220909  20220914     05 days absence —— Sep09 '22 » Sep14  '22    12
20220613  20220622     09 days absence —— Jun13 '22 » Jun22  '22    11
20220601  20220611     10 days absence —— Jun01 '22 » Jun11  '22    10
20220514  20220516     03 days absence —— May14 '22 » May16  '22    09
20220502  20220512     10 days absence —— May02 '22 » May12  '22    08
20220421  20220423     03 days absence —— Apr21 '22 » Apr23  '22    07
20220331  20220401     03 days absence —— Mar31 '22 » Apr01  '22    06
20220308  20220309     02 days absence —— Mar08 '22 » Mar09  '22    05
20211212  20211213     02 days absence —— Dec12 '21 » Dec13  '21    04
20211210  20211212     03 days absence —— Dec10 '21 » Dec12  '21    03 
20211127  20211130     04 days absence —— Nov27 '21 » Nov30  '21    02
20211024  20211026     03 days absence —— Oct24 '21 » Oct26  '21    01 

         See similar occurrence about the..
         Usage of mature kids and protecting therapists of children.


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Survivors of sexual assault deserve justice. Sexual assault can have lasting physical and emotional damage. If you or a loved one are a victim of sexual assault in Dallas or Fort Worth, Texas, it’s crucial that you understand your rights and interests. You may have the right to file a lawsuit in civil court to hold the party or parties whose negligence caused your injuries liable for your damages.

  • Too many victims of sexual abuse carry the burden of shame and guilt. The attorneys at Rochelle McCullough know how to protect the rights of victims of sexual assault. With the help of an experienced sexual abuse lawyer, you can hold your abuser accountable and make them pay for their crimes. Contact Rochelle McCullough today to schedule a free case evaluation. 

The Difference Between a Criminal and Civil Sexual Assault Case In Texas

Individuals victimized by a sexual assault have a right to pursue compensation through a civil lawsuit. If the perpetrator of the sexual assault in your case was caught, they should face criminal charges. If they are found guilty or plead guilty, they will be convicted of sexual assault. Regardless of whether or not the perpetrator has been found guilty, the victim can still pursue compensation through a civil lawsuit in Texas. Even if the perpetrator in your case did not face criminal charges, you could still pursue a civil case against him or her.

You don’t need to wait for the criminal case’s results to begin pursuing civil action. Exploring your options can help ensure you have enough time to thoroughly investigate and build your case. Reaching out to an attorney can help you ensure you protect your rights is crucial. At Rochelle McCullough, we represent clients who’ve survived all of the following types of sexual assault in civil lawsuits:

  • Rape
  • Forced penetration with an object
  • Forced sodomy
  • Sexual violence
  • Sexual abuse
  • Any sexual contact without consent

Civil Courts Focus on Victim’s Recovery

Pursuing a civil lawsuit ensures the victim receives some measure of closure and financial recovery for his or her suffering. Victims can pursue a civil lawsuit to help them recover damages related to their injuries from the assault. The burden of proof in a civil lawsuit is not as difficult as in a criminal lawsuit. As a result, victims cannot often obtain compensation in a civil lawsuit when a defendant wasn’t convicted in a criminal trial because of a lack of evidence.

Proving Liability in a Texas Sexual Assault Case

Building a civil lawsuit involves investigating and gathering evidence. At Rochelle McCullough, we also focus on supporting our clients and shielding them from additional trauma and stress whenever possible. We will provide open communication with you so you can address your concerns. If you feel overwhelmed, we will take over elements of the process and ensure you understand where your case is going.

Identifying Liable Parties

After the initial investigation, we will identify any liable party or parties. There may be other liable parties in addition to the person who assaulted you. For example, suppose the assault happened at work, school, or in another place of business. In that case, you may be able to pursue compensation from the property owner, manager, or municipality who was responsible. You may not realize that multiple parties can be held liable for the trauma you’ve endured. Our legal team will investigate and analyze all the options, ensuring that you file a claim against all liable parties before the statute of limitations expires. 

Damages Available In a Texas Civil Sexual Assault Case 

Every civil lawsuit is unique, and the circumstances of every instance of sexual assault are different. When you work with Rochelle McCullough, you can rest assured that we won’t let your experience be belittled or reduced. Our empathetic attorneys will work with you and your support system to learn how this has affected you while pursuing the financial damages you deserve. Some of the recoverable damages in a civil sexual assault lawsuit may include the following:

  • Past and future medical care costs
  • Therapy expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Emotional damages
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Mental anguish

Determining possible financial recovery after a sexual assault may be difficult. Doing so involves going over the traumatic experience you’ve suffered. The team of compassionate attorneys at Rochelle McCullough will remain mindful and sensitive to your trauma while we work to obtain the full and fair amount of damages you deserve. 

Recovering Compensation for Mental Health Services

After surviving a sexual assault, healing from your psychological injuries may be a long process. Survivors of sexual assault should have all the financial resources they need to go through the process to receive closure and treatment for the mental and emotional trauma they’ve suffered. In a civil sexual assault lawsuit, you can pursue financial recovery to help you pay expenses related to the treatment of:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Related mental health conditions 

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a condition that can develop as a result of experiencing a traumatic event, such as a sexual assault. When a person develops PTSD, they can experience intrusive flashbacks and memories of the traumatic event. They can also engage in avoidance behaviors and have difficulty functioning daily. 

If you’ve been diagnosed with PTSD, it may be a direct result of the assault you survived. The attorneys at Rochelle McCullough know how to effectively utilize medical evidence and expert testimony to highlight the mental health conditions you developed due to the sexual assault so we can pursue financial recovery for their cost. 

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Sexual Assault Attorney

Discussing a traumatic event like a sexual assault can be emotionally challenging. The attorneys at Rochelle McCullough understand how difficult the process can be for survivors. Our empathetic attorneys will work with you to help you understand the legal process. During your free case evaluation, we will discuss the deadlines that apply to your case and your case’s approximate value. Contact Rochelle McCullough today to schedule a free case evaluation and learn more about your legal rights. 

